Gen 1

Chapter 1.6

*note: I played this before the infant update/growing together

Hello! And welcome back to my MySims challenge! We start this chapter off with Logan annoyed with Riley’s guitar playing lol

Goal-wise, Logan still needs to max the culinary career (he’s currently level 8) and also eat/learn the final 3 city living recipes. Then it’s just making money.

Because our house is very bare lol

Saya and Mika decided that 5am was a good time to have a conversation out by the trash can.

God I love The Sims lol

Sunday morning homework session! Because they don’t do their homework while we’re playing other households


Bills arrived… And we have a slight problem

We can’t afford to pay them.

Saya! Quick go to work and make money!

Ha! Just kidding! I found some career rewards in our household inventory that we sold! So now we can afford our bills!

We’re adults here

Don’t mind us. We’re just casually waiting for the food stalls to open up.

In a blizzard…

Saya got a promotion!

Interesting that it snowed in the karaoke building.

I guess that’s what happens when the build isn’t built with actual ROOMS.

We stayed until 4pm. And it never opened. I guess they don’t actually open in bad weather. Of all the things to be realistic in this game…

Awe! Look at them all crowding around the computer to do their homework

On the floor

Like civilized people

Oooooo Yama#3 is having issues! o_O

Back in the city, we finally found an open Japanese stall! Woohoo!

And that’s another goal complete! All 27 recipes!




Dunno if it was worth it though. The last dish Logan ate was the Pufferfish Nigiri, so now he has a fear of death.

Thanks game

You guys are awful close… Is this you telling me that you want to be together? I might allow that if one of you is an heir and the other is a spare.


Liam goes first!

And then it was Elise’s turn!

Here’s Liam after his makeover

Not gonna lie, I love it lol

And here’s Elise’s makeover!

I dunno how y’all are gonna be able to pick an heir! lol

We have floating homework! AH!

It’s Thursday at this point and we haven’t gone to school with the teens yet (because Logan had other things to do) but since Logan doesn’t have work today, we went to school!

This is our first trip with Riley and the twins so we had lockers to claim!

I think claiming lockers is my favorite part of high school lol

That awkward moment when 2/3rds of the class are family

I’m sorry, what? ummmm. I don’t know? Maybe not since she’s not the oldest? Plus if she does to school that gives her something to do lol

So no. Not this time

What do you guys think?

Also, fun fact: Mika also has an A and her performance is excellent. Riley’s performance is good. So how Riley got the early graduation pop up but not Mika, I have no idea lol

Logan got a promotion! He’s ONE promotion away from topping the career and finishing all his goals!

Achievement unlocked! Thank you, Mika! Woo!

For a change of pace we went with Saya to work on Friday

The DNA sample thing is so hilarious to me lol like who just goes up to a co-worker and says “I NEED A DNA SAMPLE” and who in their right mind says “OKAY”

Only in the sims


I guess that this is what happens when you give most of the sims in the household the dance machine trait lol

We’re off on an adventure! I was looking at future generation and noticed that there’s one where we have to finish the Finchwick Fair ribbon collection.

I’ve never won a ribbon in my life.

The only two times I’ve gone to the Fair, it glitched and we didn’t even get a participation ribbon.

So we’re going to try an work on this through the rest of the generations because I know it’s going to take me a while.

Besides, it seems appropriate that Logan does the pies.


*crosses fingers*

We also submitted a rose because why not? We’re here

Is it “bring your toy to the Fair” day?

WOO! 1st place! Ironically it was for the rose and not the pie… but hey! At least it’s a win!

And this was the scene when we got home lol

Such needy sims!

We did all stay up to watch the countdown until midnight though.

We’re having a good holiday today!

Oh. Oops. Sorry Liam

But hey! He made it to midnight and got a gold holiday!

Uhhhhhh, yeah. We were really tired when we got home…

4am Sunday comes and everyone managed to find their beds. They were all sleeping too until Mika decided that it was much more important to take a shower, so she’s getting up.

Not that it really matters. No one is going to be sleeping when we load them again lol

See ya next time for hopefully a finished career and completed generation goals!
