Gen 1

Chapter 1.1

Welcome, my friends! To ANOTHER one of my challenges! This one I’m SUPER excited about, the My Sims challenge! Basically it’s a challenge based on the My Sims trophy collection!

Here’s our founder, Logan Simms! Logan is one of the 100 babies I had in my 100 baby challenge! I’m super excited to play with him and his future family!

There are no rules as to where we have to live, so we moved into a small house in Willow Creek.

Generation 1 is the My Sim Chef Gino. So naturally, we need to join the culinary career. So we did that right away.

And he jumps right to the 3rd level. I’m not even mad

We got started on the cooking skill because we need to max both regular and gourmet before the end of this generation.

He also needs to complete the Master Chef aspiration.

One of the other goals in this generation is to unlock each of the 27 city living recipes. So we’ll be traveling a lot to San Myshuno to get those

Oh the things you see in the city lol

We met this lady while out and about! I like her!

Hi Octavia! (She the founder of my DITFT)

We headed to the flea market (for spouse hunting) and discovered all these snow globes! The table had all but ONE of them. So we snatched them up.

On our way home, we stopped by the library to see if we could find a nice librarian. We found this lady. Her face is a little pointy for me, but she’s a good backup lol

The next library had this little lady, Saya! I like her! She’s my current front runner!

So after work that day, we invited Saya over to get to know her

I discovered a missing sink and counter. Which made me nervous. So I checked the NAPs and…

Sure enough. We have the dreaded Sharing is Caring NAP active.


…This weekend… Damn.

Saya invited herself over! And I’m not even mad lol

Look at how cute they are!

Things were progressing well! They became boyfriend/girlfriend pretty quickly

Then we got the option to propose, but she said NO! So now he’s embarrassed and the whole day is ruined.

I mean, since when did sims care about rushing into marriage!? My goodness.

So I decided a good woohoo was in order lol

She keeps stealing our counters lol

Tried proposing again. She said yes this time. She just needed a good woohoo.

And before she could run away, we tied the knot.

And here she is after her makeover!

I love her

And we have a baby incoming!

So Saya called Logan to ask him on a date… even though she’s in the next room…

Saya needed a job, so we signed her up for the scientist career. Which requires the least amount of work from me lol

Took another trip to San Myshuno for more recipes! 6/27 isn’t too bad

Another goal of this generation is to complete the experimental food photos collection AND learn all the recipes. So we plopped down a restaurant, changed the menu, and headed out for date night.

So we are at 1 of 20.

Why are there so many!?

So the weekend finally came around and we can repeal the sharing is caring NAP! So we went around and collected the needed signatures

Early Saturday morning came and it was time for the baby to arrive!

So it was off to the hospital!

Weirdly enough, the hospital gown gave Saya back her eye makeup.


But we still managed to have the baby. Everyone meet Mika!

The toilet breaks while Logan is at work. But never fear, Saya is here!

Logan comes home from work late Saturday night with a promotion! Woohoo!

8am Sunday comes around and this rotation is over! So we’re ending this chapter with Saya taking care of Mika and Logan napping. Typical.